If you have been driving too fast and you get pulled over, it’s important that you know exactly what the officer is alleging. How fast you are driving over the speed limit can have a big impact on how things will go from this point. Driving fifty miles per hour or more over the limit is seen as a more serious offense under Florida law and you need to ensure that you take the necessary steps to protect yourself from having to pay a significant Duval county speeding ticket, face driving school, or worse.

When you are pulled over for driving fifty miles or more over the speed limit, first of all, be sure to be kind, courteous, and cooperative with the officer. After the officer has dealt with the situation and issued you with a Duval County traffic ticket, you should call an experienced speeding ticket attorney right away. Gathering as much information as possible, and as quickly as possible, in a high-speed chase is crucial in minimizing any claims against you that could have a significant impact on your driving privileges going forward. With an experienced traffic ticket lawyer by your side from the outset, you can ensure that you have every chance of fighting your case successfully.

Let’s take a look at what you should expect if you are pulled over driving fifty miles per hour or more above the stated speed limit.

Florida High-Speed Laws

In Florida, the laws are quite strict when it comes to driving at high speeds. In the Florida Statute 316.1926, the repercussions for drivers who are caught driving at fifty miles per hour or more above the speed limit are clearly outlined. Those who are in violation can expect their case to be classed as a moving violation, which, if convicted, can result in four points being added to your license. To avoid this from happening and having to pay higher insurance premiums, be sure to get in touch with our expert speeding ticket lawyers at Fast Easy Ticket as quickly as possible.

Penalties For Driving 50mph+ Over The Posted Limit

The law in Florida penalizes those driving fifty miles per hour or more above the speed limit with more severity than those issued with a regular speeding ticket. A regular speeding ticket is defined as driving between five and twenty-one miles per hour over the posted limit. If you are caught driving between thirty and forty-nine miles per hour over the limit, there will be much more serious consequences than simply having to pay a Duval county speeding ticket. However, the penalties for driving fifty miles per hour or more are much more grave.

First And Second Time Offenders

First-time offenders will be issued with a mandatory fine of $1,000. The judge also has the discretion to convict anyone with four points or more on their record and suspend their driver’s license or order driving school. A second violation means a mandatory fine of up to $2,500, your license being revoked for twelve months, and a potential conviction adding four points to your license, along with any additional penalty they deem fit, excluding jail time.

Third Or Additional Violation Thereafter

If you violate the law for a third time, you will be issued with a mandatory fine of $5,000, you will lose your driver’s license for ten years and you could face up to five years behind bars. This is classed as a third-degree felony in the State of Florida and a conviction could have a major impact on your future, potentially affecting your right to vote, your employment prospects, approval of financing, or the right to own a firearm. If you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, you will want to get in touch with an experienced member of our team at Fast Easy Ticket to help you with your case.

Understand The Law And Drive Safe

The best way to avoid having to a pay Duval county speeding ticket is to keep an eye on your speed when you are driving. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time, however, it’s important to understand the repercussions of excessive speeding under Florida law. Remember, if you get pulled over for any reason and issued with a Duval County traffic ticket, be sure to get in touch with our team at Fast Easy Ticket as soon as possible. With the help of our Duval county traffic ticket experts, you will have every chance of winning your case.