To ensure that your air conditioning in Jacksonville continues to operate efficiently it’s important that you carry out regular maintenance. With regular upkeep of your AC system, you can avoid having to pay for AC repair in Jacksonville. While there are some basic maintenance tasks you can carry out, it is advisable to schedule a professional service of your system to ensure you get the best performance from your air conditioning in Jacksonville all year around.
Fall is the ideal time of year to carry out maintenance tasks on your HVAC system. With the cooler months ahead, now is the time to start preparing your home and packing away your summer stuff. Take the time to assess your AC system for any potential issues and be sure to call our team at Elite AC LLC for HVAC repair in Jacksonville that you can depend on. By taking the right precautions now, you can avoid any current issues getting worse over time, resulting in even more expensive AC repair in Jacksonville being required.
Let’s take a look at five simple Fall HVAC maintenance tips to help your HVAC system running smoothly, allowing you to avoid paying out for AC repair in Jacksonville.
Swap Out Your Air Filters
Dust and debris can accumulate in your filters over time, which can have an impact on the performance of your AC system. Your system will need to work harder to operate effectively, driving up your energy bills in the process. Changing the air filters for new ones will give your air conditioner a new lease of life heading into the winter months.
Clear Around The Unit
Over the summer and through the early fall, plants and bushes may have grown around your AC unit, or leaves and other debris might have accumulated. These piles of debris are the perfect hiding place for many common household pests. When the temperatures drop, they can access your home through your HVAC system causing more problems in your home. Be sure to clear any debris from around your unit to keep any unwanted guests away and to ensure that any weeds, foliage, or other debris do not impact your system.
Change The Thermostat
Typically, during the summer months, there is more activity in most family homes. With the children on holiday from school, you will generally have the air conditioning running more regularly. However, now that the kids are gone back to school, you won’t need the air conditioning to be on as regularly. If you are out of the house more often, be sure to change the settings so the house is not cooling when no one is home. Changing your thermostat settings can help you to save money and give your AC system a break.
Get Your HVAC System Ready For The Cooler Months Ahead
Taking the time to carry out these essential fall maintenance tasks will help to keep your system operating efficiently throughout the cooler months. This is also the perfect time of year to have your HVAC system professionally serviced to ensure that it is operating at its best. Get in touch with our team at Elite AC LL today to schedule an appointment! With the help of our AC experts, you can be sure that your HVAC system will be running in tip-top condition going forward.