Getting stopped for speeding is one of the minor unpleasantries in life. However, this unpleasantness does not need to last long if you have a good ticket defense. Rather than paying your Duval County speeding ticket, there are many times when you can fight the ticket instead.

First, you will need to know a bit more about what is required to fight a ticket. But sticking it out and putting up a solid speeding ticket defense will increase your chances of not having to pay a speeding ticket in Duval County.

Let’s look at some of the essential things that you need to know about fighting (not paying) a Duval County speeding ticket.

Choosing To Fight Your Ticket

Fighting your ticket is one of the standard options that you will face when you receive a speeding ticket in Duval County. If you do not pay your ticket, then you will need to put up a defense to either reduce or eliminate your penalties.

Knowing these penalties is important. Most speeding tickets will come with a monetary fine. However, tickets will also usually come with penalty points that are added to your driving record. Having a few points on your license will not cause you too much grief, though it may raise your vehicle insurance rates. But if you collect too many points for speeding or other traffic violations, you may end up with a suspended license, or other penalties.

When To Fight

There are many occasions when it is a good idea to fight your speeding ticket. Having evidence that you were not speeding or similar proof of your innocence, for example, will help your ticket defense. If you have witnesses who were in the car and can back up your statements about driving under the posted limit, then this will also be beneficial to your case. You may even be able to question the validity of the police officer’s equipment, which may have been malfunctioning on the day you received your speeding ticket.

The more pieces of evidence that you can assemble into your ticket defense, the better your case will be when you fight your speeding ticket.

Contact A Ticket Lawyer

If you are unsure as to what the best option for you will be, then contact a traffic ticket lawyer here at Fast Easy Ticket to guide you. Our team of experienced ticket attorneys will be able to give you an objective perspective of the situation and inform you about what your chances of a successful ticket defense will be. We will also guide you through the process of fighting your ticket, which is helpful for those who are uncomfortable with fighting a ticket on their own.

Fighting Your Ticket With An Effective Ticket Defense

Keep these points in mind when you are coming up with an effective speeding ticket defense. Make sure to consult with an experienced traffic ticket attorney from Fast Easy Ticket before you decide to pay a Duval County speeding ticket to know if fighting is the right course to take!