Seeing the flashing blue lights in your rearview mirror and realizing you are being pulled over is one of the worst feelings any driver can experience. Immediately overcome with worry and anxiety, this is never a pleasant experience. Even if you were only driving a few miles over the speed limit, you could face a fine, or even points, on your license. Understanding what to do in this situation and contacting a Florida ticket lawyer as soon as possible could help you to fight your ticket successfully.

While many drivers think that they know what happens when you are pulled over and what is expected of you, the truth is that there is a lot of false information out there. As the leading speeding ticket lawyer in Florida, here at Fast Easy ticket, we understand the intricacies of Florida law better than most. Our expert Florida ticket lawyers have the experience and expertise to help you to fight your ticket and get the best possible outcome from your case.

Let’s take a look at three Florida speeding myths that our Florida ticket lawyers have officially busted!

You Cannot Win A Speeding Ticket Case In Court

Some people believe that it is almost impossible to fight a speeding ticket in court and win. Here at Fast Easy Ticket, we can assure you that this is most certainly not true! Our team of speeding ticket lawyers in Florida has helped countless clients to fight their Duval County speeding tickets successfully in court. With the help of our expert team of Florida ticket lawyers, you have every chance of having your ticket overturned in court.

You Must Pay The Ticket ASAP

While there are people out there who might tell you that you are obliged to pay your Duval County speeding ticket as quickly as you can from when it is issued, this is completely incorrect. You have the right to claim your innocence and fight your ticket in court. No one is required to pay a speeding ticket, unless, of course, you fight your ticket in court and you are unsuccessful with your case. It is important to note, however, that you are obliged to respond to the ticket to establish your intent to fight the ticket.

Tickets Are Most Likely To Be Issued At The End Of The Month

It’s a common myth that you are more likely to receive a speeding ticket towards the end of the month because officers and police departments need to reach their quotas. If you take risks in the earlier half of the month because of this myth, you are asking for trouble. Each department is responsible for setting its own quotas and guidelines for its officers. What’s more, the vast majority of police departments simply don't have quotas. Officers are meant to be productive throughout their working hours, regardless of what day it is or what time of the month it is. This means that they need to be equally productive every day they are in uniform so you are at the same risk of getting caught speeding no matter what time of the month it is.

Ignore The Myths And Understand Exactly Where You Stand

There is a lot of misinformation floating around out there and it’s important that you know what is true and what is not. If you get pulled over for speeding, the first thing you should do is to contact an experienced Florida ticket lawyer to discuss the details of your case. Our team at Fast Easy Ticket has helped countless Floridians to fight their Duval County speeding tickets successfully. Get in touch with Fast Easy Ticket today to find out how our expert speeding ticket lawyers in Florida can help you to get the best possible outcome from your speeding ticket case.